On 01/16/2011 01:05 PM, Parshwa Murdia wrote:
> F11 is no more supported but if I am having Fedora 11, means if any
> problem comes, what should I do, should it be mandatory to upgrade?

It means that there will be no more updates for it (or F12, either) and 
that includes security updates.  As time goes on, there will be fewer 
and fewer people who will be able (or willing, for that matter) to help 
you.  About the only place that you're likely to get help for it any 
more is at fedoraforums.org, and only because they have a special forum 
for versions that are past their EOL.

Right now, the latest version is F14 and the only two versions supported 
are 13 and 14.  If you aren't interested in upgrading your OS every six 
to nine months, Fedora probably isn't the right distro for you but if 
you like the idea (as I do) of living on the bleeding edge and helping 
find out if the newest version of some package is "ready for prime 
time," by all means, use Fedora.  The choice is yours and yours alone, 
which is one of the many things I like about Linux in general.
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