On 2/5/2011 10:59 PM, James McKenzie wrote:
> On 2/5/11 8:27 PM, David wrote:
>> On 2/5/2011 9:49 PM, Tim wrote:
>>> Tim:
>>>>> Windows cesspit.
>>> David:
>>>> Is this were we don the funny clothes, chant the funny words, and
>>>> sacrifice the lamb on the sacred Alter of Linux?
>>> Not yet...  The thread hasn't gone off-topic enough.
>> Good. Then I did not miss the ceremony. I have the lamb and the sacred
>> daggers cleansed and prepared. Just let me know were to take them when
>> the time arrives.
>> A little levity, from time to time, does help don't you think?  :-)
> Not at all.  Now for the 'real fun'.  I got a NEW Mac today.  I am going 
> to look at what Linux distributions can be installed on it.  Then the 
> fun really starts.
> I don't think there is an FC build that will install on it, but if 
> anyone can help, off list if you want.  It definitely DOES NOT belong in 
> this thread.

That is an interesting idea James. A true Mac with Linux.

Honestly i have no experience with this but the last that I recall
Linux, the major distributions, no longer support a 'true - old time'
Mac. Only those Macs that now are PCs.

Good luck with this. I wish you - Fair winds and following seas.

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