On 02/23/2011 10:30 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> On 23/02/11 17:08, g wrote:
>> did you reconfigure your drive settings in they bios?
>> interrupt boot, press<delete>  key during boot to enter bios settings.
> I haven't been able to find anything in bios to change the order of
> the hard drives. It's simply cdrom, floppy, hard drives.

this does not sound correct in that you may be looking in wrong place.

what brand is system?

what make and model is mainboard?

what is bios name and bios number?

when system starts a bootup, you see screen of bios name and number.
press <scroll lock> or <pause/break> to stop scroll to read.

> And I can't ssh into it to copy files, have to copy manually to this
> second computer.

get boot working, then new thread for ssh and copy problems.

> I'm using the Linux rescue on the install DVD to make changes,
> probably have grub messed up. I have the original saved tho.

all you need with rescue dvd is at menu, mount partitions, command line;

 chroot /mnt/image

 grub-install /dev/sda


*note*  if you do not have your default '/boot' and '/etc' partitions
physically first, you will have to manually mount partitions.


peace out.



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