Jorgen Lundman <lundman <at>> writes:

> ..
> Senior unix admin, but relatively fresh Linux admin. I run a fc8 box ...
> ...
> Then I ran preupgrade, I went straight for fc14.
> ...

I think you should know more about the OS you are dealing with.
Fedora is a fast moving development distro, with frequent releases ...
That would tell you your planned behaviour is "risque".
And so you would not escape the wrath of Gods !

> In the end it said something about fc8 can not be upgraded. I still do not 
> really know why, but google suggests I can not skip versions, I need to go
> to 9 first.  preupgraded only lists 10 to 14. I try 10 anyway.
> ...

> Upon reboot it has no settings for network, ssh etc. So I go through the GUI
> to set network ...
> ...
> Huh, I actually have to start a shell to run /sbin/services sshd start.
> Minus one there.
> ...

I think you are joking ...
Every sysadmin is expected to know that first (the GUI is an extra pleasure,
if any according to some).

> ... 
> How strange. there is a cryptic message about iptables? I don't have
> services so I can not check using the GUI, so again I am forced to use shell
> to disable it.

I think you are joking ...
> Finally I can login. minus one again.
> Only to find everything has been wiped. Boo.
> It was a major hassle for me, I feel sorry for fresh people trying fc14 for
> the first time.
> ...

> I feel there is room to make some improvements.
> ...

Yes, Sir.
I think you are not real ...


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