Is this normal? Fedora10 here...

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fcassia fcassia fcassia fcassia fcassia fcassia fcassia
[root@doscabezas]# groups
root bin daemon sys adm disk wheel

Somehow I inardvertedly ended up with a bunch of folders owned by
root, and when I attempted to move those around from the user account
(fcassia) I got permission issues, as expected.

So I did SUDO -i, and from root as shell I tried to
chown -hR * fcassia on the Desktop folder...

all was fine but one particular file doesn't want to be changed...
chown: invalid user: `'

I must be doing something wrong...
PS: I figured it out... I had the parameters for chown reversed...
file name is always last.Sheesh. Still, is the multiple "fcassia"
accounts output from "accounts" normal?
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