On 3/9/11 11:15 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 03/09/2011 02:23 AM, Tim wrote:
>> i.e. After listing the directory, and seeing README.TEXT in there,*we*
>> see readme.text, and would like the computer to accept us calling it
>> that
> Is that the "pregnant we?"  I certainly don't expect Linux to treat
> README.TEXT the same as readme.text and I doubt if most of the readers
> of this list would agree with you.
Here is a great example of why UNIX is case sensitive and why Linus 
wanted it that way.

To make yum truly case insensitive would require a fully compliant case 
insensitive file system.  Linux does not have that, nor do most UNIX 
variants.  It is a personal argument whether or not it should and should 
remain that way.  If you came from Windows, you ran a system that was 
case insensitive because of its background.  Linux because it is a 
derived from UNIX has a case sensitivity.  Fixing that will allow yum to 
do what is desired.  Until that happens, shell scripting is your friend.

James McKenzie

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