James McKenzie <jjmckenzie51 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 1:41 AM, xinyou yan <yxy.716 <at> gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have a freebsd system.
> > In my computer   /dev/sda10 is a freebsd slice.
> >
> > I use mount -t ufs /dev/sda10 /tmp
> > It fail.
> >
> > mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda10,
> >       missing codepage or helper program, or other error
> >       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
> >       dmesg | tail  or so
> >
> > How can i mount it?
> Are you trying to mount this in Fedora?
> You can try the suggestions JB gave, but FreeBSD might not be using
> the Unix File System.
> James McKenzie

What is actually happening here ?

I have FreeBSD on /dev/sda2.

I do these entries from Fedora 14.

# cfdisk
                              Disk Drive: /dev/sda
    Name        Flags      Part Type  FS Type          [Label]        Size (MB)
    sda1                    Primary   ntfs                             41943.13 
    sda2        Boot        Primary   ufs                              15002.92
    sda3                    Primary   ext4                             15002.92
    sda5                    Logical   swap                              3003.68
    sda6                    Logical   ext3             [backup]         5999.62
    sda7                    Logical   ext4             [Fedora]        15002.92

# cat /proc/filesystems |grep -i ufs

# lsmod |grep -i ufs
ufs                    56786  0 

# mount -t auto /dev/sda2 /media/
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so

# dmesg |tail
[170746.287197] ufs_read_super: bad magic number
[170949.612767] ufs_read_super: bad magic number
[170974.503724] ufs_read_super: bad magic number
[171012.600483] ufs was compiled with read-only support, can't be mounted as
[171043.129655] ufs was compiled with read-only support, can't be mounted as
[171872.818069] ufs was compiled with read-only support, can't be mounted as

# man mount
      -t, --types vfstype
              The argument following the -t is used to indicate the filesystem
              type.   The  filesystem  types  which  are  currently  supported
              include: ...
              ..., ufs, ...
Mount options for ufs
              UFS  is a filesystem widely used in different operating systems.
              The problem are differences among implementations.  Features  of
              some  implementations are undocumented, so its hard to recognize
              the type of ufs automatically.  That's why the user must specify
              the type of ufs by mount option.  Possible values are:

              old    Old  format  of  ufs,  this  is  the  default, read only.
                     (Don't forget to give the -r option.)

              44bsd  For   filesystems   created   by   a   BSD-like    system

# mount -t ufs -o ro,ufstype=44bsd /dev/sda2 /media/
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so

# mount -v -t auto /dev/sda2 /media/
mount: you didn't specify a filesystem type for /dev/sda2
       I will try type ufs
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so

# mount -vf -t auto /dev/sda2 /media/
/dev/sda2 on /media type auto (rw)

# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda7             14420896   7413796   5541976  58% /
tmpfs                  1025992       448   1025544   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda2             14420896   7413796   5541976  58% /media     <========

[root@localhost jb]# mount
/dev/sda2 on /media type auto (rw)                                 <========

# cat /proc/mounts 
                                                                   <====== ???

# ls -al /media
total 8
drwxr-xr-x.  2 root root 4096 Mar 17 15:54 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 23 root root 4096 Mar 14 14:01 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root root    0 Mar 14 14:01 .hal-mtab


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