Bill Davidsen wrote:
> compdoc wrote:
>>> Keyboard works, mouse doesn't.
>>> Does that give you any clues?
>> I'm using qemu-kvm 0.14.0, and I have to run the command like this or
>> neither the mouse or keyboard works:
>> qemu-kvm -m 512 -hda svr.img -soundhw ac97 -k en-us -usbdevice tablet
> Have not previously used the "tablet" option for console, only for VNC
> operation. So if that solves the problem it will be new behavior (I'll take it
> as workaround if it works, though).
> I'll report after I try it, been a long day.
Using the tablet option restores functionality, although it's not clear why 
anything was deliberately changed with the recent qemu update. I tested on a 
number of VMs, including the new Scientific Linux (similar to CentOS) release. 
Works perfectly, both the screen and the SL-6.0 release. Going on a few servers 
next week for "real testing."

Bill Davidsen <>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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