On Fri, 2011-04-22 at 09:30 -0600, CS_DBA wrote:
> Hi all,
> Anyone know of any projects / methods to install Fedora on a tablet
> like the iPad or an android tablet?
> I have an iPad and I run into things I wish I could do with it every
> day. Linux on my tablet would rock!

I just bought a Dell Inspiron Duo.

Firstly, I'd say its an iPad killer.  Its has USB ports.  It has enough
power to run youtube videos.  It does Flash, for better or worse.  It
has a 320GB hard drive and 2GB of RAM.  It has Bluetooth, ie it can be
tethered to a phone.  It has enough power to run real applications.  And
on and on.

Probably the biggest downfalls are that it doesn't have a camera and its
a bit heavier than an iPad, but it also has a real (usable) keyboard
built right in and when you close it up the screen is totally protected.

As far as Linux goes, I haven't run it (yet) on my Duo, but there are
videos on youtube of it running Ubuntu Unity in a pretty snappy fashion.

If you (or others) want to run Linux on a Tablet, I'd say its a very
good place to start.  I'll let everyone know when I get around to
installing it.

The other thing to be aware of is that the KDE team is working on
something called Plasma-Active.  I recommend Googling it.

I looked into installing Linux on an iPad and was deterred by a number
of issues.   The best thing about the Duo is that its totally open and
free of all encumbrances.  You don't need to jail break it and the
chances of bricking it or running afoul of something the manufacturer
engineered in are just about zero.

As far as I am concerned, for my usage, a Duo is far better than an
iPad.  I am very, very happy with mine.

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