On Fri May 20 2011, Andrew Jamison wrote:
> I always install ClamAV which is free from the repositories, that may
> work for now. When viruses become a bigger threat on Linux (not to
> far-fetched to say it could happen) then you may see commercial
> programmers offering Linux versions of their clients.
You can already by commercial antivirus for Linux. Kaspersky offers a Linux 
version, as does AVG and Symantec. How well those work is anyone's guess. I 
don't have any info on whether or how well they work, simply advising that 
they already exist.

Now, I agree that it's not too far-fetched to expect to see a linux virus 
"in the wild." Apple is now reportedly advising users to get some sort of 
antivirus for the Mac, and since Apple's O/S is based on BSD, it doesn't 
seem like a huge stretch to imagine that a Linux virus could be developed.

I would like to see more "workstation" antiviruses be developed for linux. 
Most of the antivirus products I've seen for linux have been for servers.
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