On 31 May 2011 17:18, sguazt <marco.guazz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the feedback.
> Is there a place (like a conf file) where I can look?
> With gconf-editor I see:
> /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/screensaver
>   start_screensaver: checked
> /apps/totem/plugins/screensaver
>   actuve: checked
> /apps/gnome-screensaver:
>   idle_activation_enabled: checked
>   idle_delay: 1
>   lock_enabled: unchecked
>   mode: single
>   themes: [screensavers-popsquares]
> Cheers,
> -- Marco

I have nothing of the mentioned above under apps folder in
gconf-editor. Is it upgrade or fresh install? Mine is all-stock
brand-new F15 installed from live-CD. I installed it a few weeks ago
when it still was a beta (or rc1? I don't remember exactly). I have no
additional repos installed.
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