On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 16:36, Miroslaw Baran <miroslaw.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> that even a huge corporation like Oracle

I´m not affiliated in any way with Oracle Corp.
I´m a freelance journalist struggling to make ends meet.

I was just a happy OpenOffice.org user and saw nothing wrong with
Contributor Agreements by Sun Microsystems. A vocal small group of
developers, led by Novel´s Mr. Meeks (by the way, Oracle is an evil
corporation, and what is Novell? a not-for profit venture? Did Novell
sign patent agreements with Microsoft? Did Novell promote Microsoft´s
.Net with its Mono venture? yes? no? Did Novell develop patches for
Microsoft´s OO-XML or not?).

In fact, I did purchase StarOffice, as a way to promote OpenOffice.org
development. (after all, it was Sun who footed the bill of most
OpenOffice.org programmers).

So is Canonical´s Shuttleworth an agent of Orace corp, as well, when
he says "He contends that the pace of development for LibreOffice is
not keeping up with what OpenOffice was able to achieve and wonders if
OpenOffice would have been better off if the "factionalists" hadn't
won. "

I´m sure Shuttleworth has a lot more "credibility" and inside
knowledge than me, I´m sure.

What I do know are the facts... there was a commercial product
(StarOffice) based on the FOSS OpenOffice.org, and now there is no
more. There were 50 devs on ORCL´s payroll working on OpenOffice.org
and now there are no more. There were big plans for the commercial
build of OO.o (StarOffice, renamed "Oracle Open Office" and developed
in parallel with the Oo.o base) and now there´s no more. Thank you!
LibreeOffice freedom fighters!

In fact I downloaded the automatic upgrade from Sun StarOffice 9 to
Oracle Open Office (built on Oracle´s OO.o 3.3 base) and it included a
bunch of new connectors and plug-ins between Oo.o and a wide range of
Oracle commercial software. You know, the kind of stuff that
Corporations would have loved and have surely bought, increasing the
profits and encouraging more devs on OpenOffice.org footed by Evil

But you know what? you win... applying a bit of doublespeak from
1984... less is more... defeat is winning... fork is king... Novell
does wonders (just look at how they sank their company), and Mono

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