Am 02.07.2011 06:14, schrieb JD:

> When will the linux community wake up and shout out loud:
> Kill JavaScript from all browsers and all network servers
> and network clients

never because the community is not dumb
why do we not forbid knifes since people are killed with them?

> It is THE trojan horse hiding in plain site and can access
> EVERYTHING on your system that YOU have access to and
> send it back to whatever destination the javascript was
> written to send it to.

if you would have a little background you would know that
as example you can not select and upload files as example

> Common people! JAVASCRIPT being executed by your
> browser on  your system is a HUGE WIDE OPEN SECURITY HOLE!!!

so stop whining and install "noscript" and click not on every link
wanting remove javascript from the browsers is polemic and childish

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