On Wed, 2011-07-20 at 16:11 +0100, Arthur Dent wrote:

> For the benefit of the archives this is what now works for me:
> #============8<===================================================
> # In the definitions section:
> CLAMD_PIDDIR=/var/run/clamd.${CLAMD_SERVICE}
> # and in the "start" stanza:
>  if [ ! -d $CLAMD_PIDDIR ] ; then
>          mkdir $CLAMD_PIDDIR && chown clamd:clamd $CLAMD_PIDDIR
>       fi
> #============8<===================================================

For those who aren't following the bug
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=723544 Apparently the
correct solution to the problem of /var/run now being tempfs (and
therefore wiped clean with each reboot) is to create a /etc/tmpfiles.d
file with instructions on how to create the directory with the
appropriate permissions. This simply involves (for me) creating
a /etc/tmpfiles.d/clamd.conf file with the following line in it:

d /var/run/clamd.clamd 0700 clamd clamd -

At reboot the directory /var/run/clamd.clamd/ is then created with 0700
permissions and clamd:clamd ownership. The clamd package will then start

I hope that helps anyone else suffering the same problem.


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