On 08/16/2011 11:34 AM, Jon Ingason wrote:
> 2011-08-16 19:57, Vinny Onelli skrev:
>> Hello,
>> I installed vmware and now I would like to install windows Me. The
>> windows me CD it is not bootable it came with bootable diskette, vmware
>> to install windows need the operating system which is on the floppy. The
>> problem is that I could not mount the floppy, (I am using Fedora 14) I
>> try few suggested away in the past with no result. Is the floppy
>> supported in Fc14? and if it is I would appreciate direction of how to,
>> thank you in advance. Vinny
> Do a"modprobe floppy" first. Then you get the floppy device in /dev:
> /dev/fd0u1040
> /dev/fd0u1120
> /dev/fd0u1440
> /dev/fd0u1600
> /dev/fd0u1680
> /dev/fd0u1722
> /dev/fd0u1743
> /dev/fd0u1760
> /dev/fd0u1840
> /dev/fd0u1920
> /dev/fd0u360
> /dev/fd0u720
> /dev/fd0u800
> /dev/fd0u820
> /dev/fd0u830
> Now you can create the directory /mnt/floppy and mount your floppy to 
> that point:
> mount -t msdos /dev/fd0u1440 /mnt/floppy
> See URL: 
> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/fedora-13-mounting-floppy-813466/
Worked for me on F13.  Cannot speak for later versions.
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