Only making slight progress so far, but here are some hints for others who
may come my way:

1) As soon as you get to a command prompt run updatedb. Evidently linux does
not have which and apropos is not extremely helpful.  An example of why you
need locate: apparently the console fonts are in a (sub)directory called
kbd. You'd pass over that a hundred times before you would think of looking
for fonts in there.

2) Since I am on dialup and big giant distribution files (hi, qt!) are in
vogue, I sprang for the repo discs.  This turns out to be a good value but
there are scary moments.

a) Yum wouldn't install from /usr/repo even with --enablerepo=/usr/repo, but
the reason turns out to be that it hates the repomd.xml files from the
origianal fedora install.  You also have to disable them, then yum works
like a charm.

b) This is really so neat, the discs might be worth it even if you have a
moderate to high speed connection. Disc space is cheap these days.

3) Grub is really easy to edit for dual boot (at least if your other boot is
FreeBSD whose own boot load will pick up the ball and run with.

Still have not got to the modem, but I have change the LANG variable,
console font, and text mode resolution before I go blind.  Unicode is of the

I'm used to using lynx with all the options compiled in as a file manager,
and in the distance is the problem of getting source code and compiling lynx
again to replace the packaged version.

Lars Eighner
8800 N IH35 APT 1191 AUSTIN TX 78753-5266

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