Things got better when I reinstalled and discovered I can install F15
on a ext2 partition, and such a partition can actually be created with the
install disc.  This enabled me to mount the F15 partition RW in FreeBSD which
has a sane console resolution and font, so I can actually read and edit
the F15 configuration files.

So far I have disabled the grub background and unhidden the grub menu. 
Surprisingly enough, grub has a more-or-less acceptable font and resolution.

Unfortunately even though I set BOOTUP to verbose, the teardrop screen comes
up and wipes out the grub resolution and font and also wipes out any VGA
setting done at boot.  Evidently the teardrop represents the trail of tears
on the quest for an legible console font and resolution.

So, my issue is how to keep the teardrop screen from coming up, and how to
stop the resetting of the console resolution that accompanies.  I have been
through every file in systemd configuration without finding a likely

(Meanwhile, busy trying to re-create en_US.iso88591 locale which seems
somehow to have got lost.)

Lars Eighner
8800 N IH35 APT 1191 AUSTIN TX 78753-5266

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