On 08/30/2011 01:58 PM, cromworshipper-fedorastuff at yahoo.com wrote:
>In-Reply-To: <4E5A413B.9090201 at robertoragusa.it> >>>On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 
>03:23:07PM +0200, Roberto Ragusa wrote: >>On 08/28/2011 03:21 AM, 
>cromworshipper-fedorastuff at yahoo.com >>wrote: >>>slim started up fine when 
>this machine was running Fedora 14. >>>I installed it from for Fedora 15: 
>>>>>>>slim-1.3.2-8.fc15.x86_64 >>>>>>It doesn't start any more.  I get this in 
>/var/log/slim.log: >>>>>>slim: unexpected signal 15 sh: /usr/bin/xauth: 
>Permission >>>denied >>>>>>>Check the permission of /usr/bin/xauth. They will 
>be probably ok, >>so next move will be blaming selinux. >>>>-- Roberto Ragusa  
>  mail at robertoragusa.it >>>Thank you for taking an interest. >>I don't know 
>what could be wrong with /usr/bin/xauth since KDM >works fine.  I see nothing 
>in /var/log/messages from SElinux >(except something related to wine). >>What 
>permissions should I be looking for? >>$ ls -l --lcontext /usr/bin/xauth 
>-rwxr-xr-x. 1 >system_u:object_r:xauth_exec_t:s0 root
 root 36840 Feb  8  2011 >/usr/bin/xauth >>>$ ls -l --lcontext 
/usr/bin/slim-dynwm -rwxr-xr-x. 1 >system_u:object_r:bin_t:s0       root root 
120 Jul 25 12:07 >/usr/bin/slim-dynwm >>>$ ls -l --lcontext /usr/bin/slim 
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 >system_u:object_r:xdm_exec_t:s0  root root 168712 Jul 25 12:10 
>/usr/bin/slim >>>>John 
When I set my /etc/sysconfig/desktop to

slim doesn't actually run, so issuing

$ ps -eZ | grep -i slim 

yields nothing.

What else could I check?


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