On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Kevin Fenzi <ke...@scrye.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Sep 2011 11:55:56 -0700
> Robert Arkiletian <rob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well let's be realistic. An extra 6 months of *only* security updates
>> would be super. Time enough for F17
> ...snip...
>> Simply put it's just too much change for my use case and my comfort
>> level at work.
>> But don't misunderstand me. I am appreciative with the pioneering work
>> that Fedora and Red Hat do. It's great to see things advance. It will
>> be interesting to see X replaced by Wayland and having a display
>> server that does not run with root privileges. My own personal desires
>> and my workplace requirements are not always the same though.
> I'm curious... how would an extra 6 months help your case?
> F17 will still have gnome3 and systemd. I suppose it gives you more
> time to train up your users, but it's going to be a training/switchover
> sometime, no?

True. But I'm hoping issues with systemd will be ironed out by then
and "hopefully" gnome3 will have matured too.  Plus F14 support ends
in Dec (I think). I try to avoid distro upgrades mid school year. I
like to do big changes over the summer. I just upgraded from F13 this
summer. Honestly, I'm not holding my breath. I know extending F14
security updates (even just critical security updates) is probably not
going to happen. But no harm in asking. Do you think it's at all

Robert Arkiletian
Eric Hamber Secondary, Vancouver, Canada
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