On Wed, Sep 07, 2011 at 11:23:26AM -0700, Frederick N. Brier wrote:
> On 09/02/2011 07:31 AM, Stefan Held wrote:
> > Am Freitag, den 02.09.2011, 09:44 -0400 schrieb Darryl L. Pierce:
> >
> >> Great points. If we didn't have change and innovation we'd all still be
> >> using 80x25 monochrome text mode terminals.
> What was wrong with 80x25 monochrome?  I liked the Hercules display :).  

It wasn't 80x50 which let me look at more lines of code at once. :)

> No, but seriously, Gnome3 is irritating.  To have to click on Activities 
> to change and repaint the whole screen, and then select the category of 
> an item you want (if you have not added it to your favorites), then 
> click on it, then repaint the screen again.  And the screen real estate 
> for the Activities text does nothing else.  Nothing.  You can't even 
> right click on it.

Then don't click through to it: start typing it's name and let it pop up
as the list narrows down the app selection. I use that to quickly jump
to what I want.

And if I use it enough then I add it to the favorites.

> You also can't right click on the "desktop menu items" and bring up 
> their properties. 

You can. Just turn on the "Having file manager handle the desktop".

> Can't copy and edit them (I like that for rdesktop 
> and other commands that have parameters).  No, you have to find the old 
> MainMenu utility and create an item in the non-existent menu so it will 
> show up.  Maybe there is another way, but it ain't intuitive.
> What's with no right clicks?  Only one mouse button?  Instead of Unix's 
> 3 buttons?  Is this a lowest common denominator solution for someone who 
> installs Linux on a Mac?
> I have been using Gnome3 for over 3 weeks now.  I tried adding AWN.  
> Tweaking different parameters.  It is STILL annoying.  And SLOOOOWWWWW.  
> There is a reason why menus have been around so long.  So yeah, I guess 
> I think the Gnome guys fumbled the ball.
> I liked Gnome2.  Mostly I liked all the nice GUI utilities built on top 
> of it.  And now I am not sure what I am going to do.

I think that everybody who wants to have Gnome2 need to get together and
do things the Open Source Way:

1. fork the Gnome2 codebase (maybe give it a new project name)
2. keep it updated with fixes, new features, etc.
3. make it available to others who want to keep using that paradigm

Then everybody can be happy and have what they want. :)

Darryl L. Pierce, Sr. Software Engineer @ Red Hat, Inc.
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Red Hat ranks #1 in value among software vendors.

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