Am 18.09.2011 03:03, schrieb Craig White:
> On Sat, 2011-09-17 at 17:56 -0700, Joe Zeff wrote:
>> You're right, as far as you go, but that's not all there is to it. 
>> Unless the developers are only interested in creating something for 
>> themselves, they need to take the opinions of the end users into account 
>> at least enough to make sure they're creating something that other 
>> people will want to use. 
> ----
> Is this a habit of yours? (Telling people what they 'need' to do)

is it a habit of yours? (waiting until enough people use your software
and then throw it away completly and tell them that you decide what
they have to like)

> GNOME is GPL - anyone can fork it 

and such phrases are the reason why linux on the desktop will never
become a big thing because there are way too much people out there
saying "you have to be delevloper or shut up"

> For the life of me, I don't understand what the griping is about. If
> you don't like it, don't use it... 

how old are you that you are believe people with a existing workflow
can be forced permanently to change their workflow because they
have no work, no family and so no other things to do?

> unlike Macintosh or Windows, you do actually get to choose from many 
> different DM's and are not just limited

well, epople HAVE choosed and some ignorant people decided
to kill what they have chossed and you call this fair?

> to specific choices of eye candy that they allow you to choose from. If
> you can do better, go ahead.

poor argumentation

> As far as I have known, GNOME developers have generally eschewed what
> other people wanted and made it how they saw things should be. I can't
> blame them for that for reasons already given. 

well, with real existing users or have they used imaginary ones?

> If you feel that blaming them is justified, then you should consider it 
> apropos for them to be telling you what to do too. 

and you are telling the whole time users what they have to do

* switch to another DE
* fork it
* shut up

> Then again, I use KDE  ;-)

i too and hopefully more and more people will cry out loud about
the epic fail of GNOME3 to prevent the same mistakes happening
in KDE sooner or later (rely on 3D hardware and such crap)

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