On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 1:52 PM, Alexander Volovics
<a.volo...@upcmail.nl> wrote:
> I am trying to get both trackpoint and touchpad of the Lenovo
> T520 UltraNav working, preferably at the same time as under Windows 7.
> cat /proc/bus/input/devices shows:
> - SynPS/2 Synaptics Touchpad
> - TPPS/2 IBM Trackpoint
> After install of F15 the trackpoint works but not the touchpad.
> The scroll feature of the trackpoint (hold down middle button
> and move the stick) does not work.
> After installing 'gpointing-device-settings' the trackpoint
> can be configured so that scrolling with 'middle button & stick
> does work.
> I can however find no way to get the touchpad working.
> This would make scrolling much easier.
> Can anybody tell me the magic incantation.

I don't have your hardware but I do have a synaptics touchpad on my
f16 system and get it to work by doing the following:

adding these two lines to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf:

Option "TapButton1" "1"
Option "RBCornerButton" "3"

(Line 1: left mouse tap / Line 2: right mouse tap in lower right corner)


Also add
Option "RightEdge" "5000"
Option "LeftEdge" "1700"

It is possible that this may get yours going also but you would have
to try it and say if it works?

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