夜神 岩男 <supergiantpotato <at> yahoo.co.jp> writes:

> ... 
> The IT market is massively overweight, 
> overvalued and engages in enormously wasteful development practices 
> right now. Open source development for the most common of software 
> system elements + a revenue stream based on hardware sales and computing 
> services provision (a very broad category worth huge money on its own) = 
> a better model for the customer. IBM knows this. Intel isn't too happy 
> about this. RedHat has placed itself at the most critical part of the 
> process as the servicer. Microsoft is done creating success and is 
> scrambling to now not create failure -- which is a really bad operating 
> mode for a business (IBM was there once itself). That's just good 
> business on RedHat's part and indicates a mature market understanding on 
> the part of IBM.

IBM created RH to cover low-end market (RH providing services), eliminating
pressures from that side by making life miserable for more formidable than RH
companies and IBM competitors, itself concentrating on lucrative
mid-to-high-end (mostly mainframe once again, please) side.
So, back to the future for IBM ... :-)

> ...


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