Am 13.11.2011 19:28, schrieb Mark LaPierre:

> For example, I like to have the newest software, but I don't want to be 
> the primary tester.  I prefer to hang back a release or two

you CAN NOT hang back TWO releases
in the next months EOL for F14 ends and so you get no more security updates

> I've don't like the looks of what I see in F15 or F16 at 
> the moment so I'll probably skip those releases.

and have a system with NO security updates over months?
do this fro your own but tell nobody this is a godd decisison

YES it is better to hang one release back, but next month everybody
who likes securred systems have to upgrade to F15 and F15 did
not get services converted to systemd, no really systemd-improvements
because fedora releases are "fire and forget" for most core developers
or why are they not interested to update systemd since they decided
it was good enough in his crappy tsate at release time which is not what
users feel

fedora CURRENTLY is missing a lot of QA instead "fire out and forget"

this has nothing to do with bleeding edge, the edges are way too often
not bleeding they are bloodless because they whole blood ran out

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