On 11/27/2011 06:13 AM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Again, I'd suggest uninstalling the most recent kernel, and reinstalling
> it, in order to regenerate the initrd, and the grub menu item for it,
> afresh.

I used yumex to do a full update on my laptop, having it remove the most 
recent kernel as well.  Then, after making sure that 
/boot/grub/grub.conf was current, I had it install the most recent 
kernel again.  The kernel showed up again, correctly and there was a new 
/boot/grub2/grub.cfg written during the install.

I tried rebooting to the new kernel.  The teardrop appeared, and 
vanished, followed by a long list of reports from systemd.  Then, 
SELinux reported that it needed to relabel things, warning that it might 
take a long time, followed by a report that it was building the volatile 
files and directories.  It sat there, with no disk activities for about 
ten minutes, when I tried again with the same results.  As always, 
booting into the last good F14 kernel works exactly as it should.  (As 
far as I can tell, no SELinux relabeling needed under that kernel.)

I don't want to set up a kickstart file to make sure that my UserID 
stays at 500, and to get the rest of my programs properly installed but 
it seems like that might be the only way to fix this.  And, of course, I 
need to upgrade my desktop before F14 reaches EOL, but what's been going 
on with my laptop makes me worry because I need to have at least one of 
them up and running properly.
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