I don't know how to code Linux to fix that "gd-dm error", but if I was
suffering that mess, I would try a variety of silly little "cross my
fingers" experiments first-off..  Sometimes they work.. usually they

- Install the hd into another tower, and try it...

- Pull the tower's battery for a couple minutes, reinstall the battery,
then try it.. often works to eliminate silly problems...

- Flash copy & paste the problematic backup to a freshly installed OS on
a different hd, then try it...

- Go to the CD & Flash backups... 

I backup every-day to flash drives..  Once a month everything goes to a
reformatted DVD.. This way should the OS ever get compromised I never
ever lose any treasured files...  Don't trust DVD's too much.. I hear
that big business remakes CD backups, because sometimes CD's fail after
ten years...

When the OS does go "thht", I rush to pull-off my bookmarks & pw's, and
"DBAN autonuke" the hd, reinstall F-14 plus the 500 updates, plus my
custom peripheral package options..  Only takes a couple hours to make
it a fresh new OS.. and another 2-hours to upload my files after I've
"clam-scanned" them all..  A few very wise experts, I've chatted with,
claim they format their hd's every 2-months, even if they don't need
I strongly suggest everyone buy a QUALITY minimum 8-gig flash, and
maintain a daily backup on it..  Those cheapy flashes just can't be
trusted..  A few years ago, all I did was accidentally drop a cheapy one
on the side-walk, and lost everything on it.. It wouldn't load any
more.. Luckily I had a fresh CD backup...  

Right this weekend everyone with a functional brain should make a
complete backup of all their treasures, so you won't have to suffer the
horrid grief of losing everything should the OS suddenly go "thht"...
But! this last reinstall, I was shocked to find that DBAN didn't fully
erase the hd.. One of my FireFox custom configurations remained on the
hd somehow..  Normally I use no-script to block the Google logo on the
Google surf page the moment it shows..  This new install had the Google
page come up with the logo already blocked..  which means that "bully
blackheads" have probably found a way to bypass something in DBAN's
rewriting the hd..  which will probably be fixed in a couple days by
Derek, if he has the time...  Maybe DBAN needs an option to re-spin the
hd to check the hd after rewriting, to ensure that it really is fully
cleaned after being "DBAN autonuked"..?

Next time I clean this glitchy hd, I'm gonna try running DBAN twice... 
I don't know if it will fix the glitch..? It's just a silly experiment..
 How the Google-page opens after the new-install should tell it...

Does anyone know of another, simple to use, hd eraser, besides DBAN..
I'd like to run them both when cleaning a seriously compromised hd, like
this one...

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