On Sat, 2011-12-10 at 23:39 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> WYSIWYG forces you to make decisions at every turn about what the
> final result looks like. Markup systems such as LaTeX or the SGML
> variants, espcially with good editor support, let you describe what
> you're writing (this is a Chapter title, this is a Figure legend, this
> is a 3-column table where one of the entries is a 5-column
> subtable, ...) and they take care of the rest. Sure, you can use style
> sheets with a WYSIWYG system, but it requires iron self-discipline not
> to be constantly fiddling with spacing or margins when you should be
> concentrating on content.

I can't say that I agree with that.  Once I found a word processor that
did allow decent use of style, OpenOffice.org, I found it dead easy to
use it properly (type a line, call it a heading, bash out paragraph
after paragraph, occasionally highlight special words and call them
special things (or emphasised words, not just italicised words), edit my
styles so special things looked different, edit my styles so that
headings did what I wanted them to, et cetera, rarely ever having to
play hodge-podge with highlight bits on a page, play with toolbar
styling options, then go and highlight the next bit on the page...).

On the other hand, watching people horse around with MS Office, that's
all they ever did.  Use it like a crappy 1980s electric typewriter with
a bulleted list generator.  And then do masses of re-editing throughout
the document as they changed one thing in the middle, and all their
hand-fiddled pagination went out of whack.  And had to select entire
document, to change fonts, then go back and hand edit the document, bit
by bit, for the special parts.  *It* really does make it hard to style a
document properly, it's UI sucks.

Properly styling a document, rather than playing hodge-podge as you go
along, makes it very easy to export documents into other formats, when
you have to.  e.g. They logically transfer into HTML (with headings and
paragraphs), rather than illogically become random blocks of text with
random mark-up here, there, and everywhere.

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