Am 13.12.2011 21:52, schrieb Joe Zeff:
> On 12/13/2011 12:17 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> sounds like something is messed by an interrupted upgrade
>> however "yum --releasever=16 reinstall fedora-release" should fix the 
>> version-problem
> Thanx!  That got the repolist straight.
>> after that "package-cleanup --dupes" and "package-cleanup --problems" are
>> highly recommended
>> "package-cleanup --cleandupes" should help fix problems of an interrupted
>> upgrade, but be carfeul what it likes to do
> I'd already tried that, with --releasever=16, but cleandupes failed because 
> at least one of the dupes was needed. 
> Is there a way to tell it to skip broken?  And, with --problems, all it did 
> was tell me what needs to be done; it
> doesn't suggest how to do it.  Still, I can do that and capture the data via 
> tee, so it's not a complete waste.


Look for which Application the dep ist needed, try to remove the 
application+dep, cleanup
the dupes and finally install the application again which will pull the deps 

watch out for any "rpmsave" configurations while remove packages for such
cleanups and rename them back, so the new versions will installed as "rpnew"
finally instead get lost your manually changed configs

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