On 12/14/2011 12:41 PM, Lawrence Graves wrote:

> I just re-installed Fedora 16 on my desktop and before the re-install
> every thing was running fine. Now Gnome3 is freezing and nautilus is
> having trouble opening and the list goes on. I agree with Christopher
> and Cox, maybe there needs to be a slow down on the eye candy and work
> on a solid foundation for the eye candy to run on. It seems that we are
> falling into the cart before horse syndrome.
> -- 

 Babies and bath water ... so to speak .. Gnome 3 is a new DE .. its
gonna have a lot of growing pains ... if you're having trouble with it
you can sit there and help nurse and burp the gas out of it .. or you
can switch DE's to something more stable (XFCE and KDE seem to be the
more popular choices).

 If your issues go beyond the DE then bring those issues up as well -
there are lots of experts and even some expertise on here :-)

 But change happens and will continue to happen - not too long before
wayland will start to appear for example ... and of course someone will
want to change some system daemon to do things "better" and there is no
doubt that will drive ya bonkers too :-)

 In the meantime, strap in and enjoy the ride ...

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