If you happen to catch it, you'd know that my F15 system crashed and
burned due to a disk gone bad.

So, I installed a fresh F16 system and fully updated it while preserving
/home.  Everything seems back to normal...still have some applications
that need installing...but I have one problem.

I use the IBus input method in order to input in languages other than
English.  Well the small keyboard icon isn't showing up on the KDE
System Tray.  There is a "space" for it, an if I hover my mouse over
that area I will get "IBus input method framework" displayed and I can
use my mouse to change the input method.  I can change the input method
using the keyboard, but there isn't a corresponding icon change to show
which input method is active.  That makes it a bit annoying as I have to
use trial and error to get from Japanese input to Chinese, whatever.

Anyone have an idea as to how to troubleshoot this?

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something
completely foolproof was to underestimate the ingenuity of complete
fools. -- Douglas Adams in "Mostly Harmless

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