>> We're mostly sensitive to green, then red, then blue.

Joe Zeff:
> Not quite, AIUI.  The wavelength the human eye is most sensitive to is 
> in the "greenish yellow" range, much more yellow than green. 

Well, as far as coloured sight goes, the primary colours are red, green,
and blue.  That is, the sensors in our eyes are attuned to those
colours, with a small spread either side of them.  All other colours
(e.g. yellow, cyan, magenta) are seen as combinations of the primaries.
And the non-colour sensitive parts of our eyes see the colours in the
proportions that I mentioned before, but without being able to tell
which colour is which.  From the point of the receptors, it is green
that we see the most.  If one were to draw a rainbow across a page as a
graph of the sensitivity of our eyesight, there's a peak around the
green, that slopes off either way, with the blue side sloping off faster
than the red side.

And then you have our display mechanisms, whether CRT, LCD, or other,
which show colours in the same way (primaries of red, green, and blue,
with all the other colours being created by combinations).

You're arguing with a cameraman and television engineer, this is all
very basic information to what we do.

> Considering that the Sun is a yellow dwarf, it's much more likely for us 
> to find the wavelengths near and/or at its peak output to be easiest to 
> see rather than something off to one side.

It's not actually yellow.  If you were going to argue the line of us
being sensitive to the colour of the sun, actually it's far more logical
that we're least sensitive to the strongest colours about.

And for our next off-topic, do we have someone who'd like to discuss the
theory of relativity for us?   ;-)   Makes a change from discussing why
Gnome and Windows suck.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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