On 01/09/2012 10:41 AM, Jeffrey Ross wrote:
> I was in the process of working on a F16 system (upgraded from a F15
> system) and had moved it to a new network temporarily and had adjusted
> the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em1 file from the console
> prior to shutting down the system so that it would be all set with the
> new address, gateway etc when it was restarted.
> upon completion of the work I modified the ifcfg-em1 with the
> new/final IP address information prior to the shutdown.  I was doing
> this across a network (ssh) session and as soon as I saved the file I
> lost all connectivity to the machine.  I logged into the console and
> found no IP address information on the em1 interface, didn't think too
> much of it since it needed to be restarted anyway and moved it to it
> final network location.
> After it was in place I noticed that I needed to correct the entries
> for DNS to point to itself since it is running a nameserver, no other
> changes were made to the file except to adjust "DNS1=..." saved the
> file and again I loose network connectivity with no IP information on
> the em1 interface.
> Question is, what is monitoring this file that causes a loss of
> connectivity like this?  I am looking to simply have a static entry on
> the interface and my simple ifcfg-em1 file is as follows:
> Thanks,Jeff
> DEVICE=em1
> HWADDR=00:E0:81:34:85:C2
> ONBOOT=yes
> TYPE=Ethernet
> #
> DOMAIN=domain.org
> NAME="System em1"
> IPV6INIT=yes
> DNS1=
> MTU=1500

You have NM_CONTROLLED=no.  So, assuming you are not using Network
Manager, have you disabled NetworkManager.service and enabled

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