On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 15:00:09 -0500
"David A. De Graaf" <d...@datix.us> wrote:

> Here's why Fedora 16 isn't ready for prime time. 
> Many of these have been BZ'd, without effect.
I was a tad frustrated with systemd for a time and realized that it was
just an old-dog-new-trick issue. I'm an old fart. Once you figure it
out, though, it makes perfect sense.

I have been at this since RH 7.2, Around FC-4 I stopped dual booting. I
clearly recall that, in FC1, just burning a CD was a challenge. What
has happened is that Linux has become enormously more complex than it
used to be. It does much more but we users who aren't complete geeks
have lost some control over our computers. 

I just got this new laptop and quickly remembered why I became
interested Linux in the first place. I formatted the entire disk to
ext4 and wiped out Windows.

May I suggest that you take a breath and then triage you numerous
issues. Resolve them one (and just one) at a time? They will get
resolved; they always do.

BTW, I was extremely disappointed with KDE3 to 4. However, I am
completely hooked, again. You might want to give it a try. I agree with
you regarding Gnome.
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