On Sun, 2012-01-15 at 10:19 -0500, William M. Quarles wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently installed Fedora 15 after a long respite from Fedora 14, for 
> the first time in x86_64, and I was excited to see that I could finally 
> use the wheel button on my MX Logitech Revolution mouse as the "middle" 
> button for opening new tabs in Firefox and for instant select-copy-paste 
> (I'm not sure what the official name is for that feature, but I used to 
> love it). I don't think that the other more accessory buttons on the MX 
> Revolution used to work either, but now most of them do (namely Search, 
> Forward, and Back).
> **However, after my first session in Fedora 15, the wheel button stopped 
> working as the middle button.** 

I have one of these mice and am using F15. I simply added the following
commands to my .bash_profile file:

  if [ -n "`echo $DISPLAY | egrep '^(localhost)?:0'`" ]; then
        xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 17 3 4 5 8 9 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2
18 19 20"

The middle button is then used (typically) for moving forward/backwards
in web pages, while the left top button is used for 'copy', and the
thumb button  (on the side) is used for paste. Needless to say, you can
change this to your own requirements :-)

To find out which buttons were producing an event I think I used
something like 'xev'.


John Horne                   Tel: +44 (0)1752 587287
Plymouth University, UK      Fax: +44 (0)1752 587001
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