On 02/22/2012 05:57 AM, Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
> I've fount that the vncserver doesn't start correctly after a power
> outage or non-normal shutdown.  It appears that file in the
> /tmp/.X11-unix directory is left after the reboot, and causes the
> startup to fail.
> My solution at the moment is to have a script in cron.hourly that
> checks if it is running, and it not it removes the file, and restarts
> the service.
> Example using port 88 (5988)
> ==========
> run=`systemctl status vncserver@:88.service | grep running | cut -b 20-26`
> if [ -z "$run" ] ; then
>    rm /tmp/.X11-unix/X88
>    systemctl start vncserver@:88.service
> fi
> ==========
> Should these files be removed automatically on a restart?
> Is it a vncserver issue or a system issue or how things are suppose to
> work?

Sounds like a vncserver issue.  It should be able to determine, on
startup, that files have been left "orphaned" when a crash has occurred
and clean them up.  IMO, you should check to see if a bugzilla exits and
if not file one.

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