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Re: Fedora 14 Gnome 2 to Fedora 16 KDE.emlSubject: Re: Fedora 14 Gnome 2
to Fedora 16 KDEFrom: "n2xssvv.g02gfr12930"
<n2xssvv.g02gfr12...@ntlworld.com>Date: 02/03/2012 00:23To:
On 01/03/12 22:31, Phil Dobbin wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>> I've been using Fedora 14 (i686) on an old IBM Think Pad T42 after
>> swapping from Debian Squeeze & am really enjoying the experience.
>> Fedora 14 having reached EOL, I'm looking to upgrade but at present >>I'm
>> running Gnome 2 & 16 uses Gnome 3. Not only will Gnome 3 not run on >> my
>> machine but from what I've seen of it, I don't really care to use it.
>> So I'm looking at using KDE. The Fedora 16 Live CD (KDE) runs fine on
>> the Think Pad & it seems a far better option than Gnome 3 in
>>failback so
>> my question is:
>> 1). Is there anyway I can upgrade via Yum from Gnome on 14 -> Kde on
>> 16
>> without unduly breaking anything?
>> I've tried Googling for an answer but it's quite difficult phrasing >> it
>> correctly to get a vaild response.
>> I've got my /home/ folder backed up both locally & remotely so if I
>> have
>> to re-install will there be any conflicts on that score if I attempt
>> to
>> rsync from the back up (which I imagine there probably will)?
>> Thanks for any help you can give & please be patient for a response >> as
>> I'm on digest delivery.

> I'm sure it is possible, but I suspect it will take a lot longer than
> doing a backup before doing a fresh Fedora 16 KDE install. >Unfortunately
> I have not had particularly good experiences trying to update to >Fedora
> 15/16, (only managing to finally install a flaky Fedora 16 today after
> many attempts). Hence due to the fairly major changes you are seeking > to
> make I would be cautious.

Many thanks for the response. I'm pretty sure a clean install from the
Live DVD (I've read that there were problems with the Live CD with 16)
would be feasible & not too painful but I think I'll put if on the back
burner for a while & see if anything occurs that warrants an update.

Also many apologies for the formatting of this email. Replying from
digest mode is horrible & between them Thunderbird & the mailing list
software mangle stuff.



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