Am 23.03.2012 18:42, schrieb Frank Murphy:
> On 23/03/12 17:37, Joe Zeff wrote:
>> On 03/23/2012 05:27 AM, Craig White wrote:
>>> no - if command line syntax/invocations are challenging, you can do this
>>> rather simply via the 'system-config-services' gui.
>> Assuming, of course, that your DE has something like that. Not all
>> Fedora users run Gnome, you know.
> s-c-s is DE agnostic, running fine on  Xfce

most machines where systemctl is relevant do not evem have any DE
so what.....

what all the people crying here missing in systemctl start/stop is
that they can use their holy chkconfig and it will be redirected

the guy whining about openvpn does simply not recognize
that this is a SPECIAL CASE because it makes sense to
have it active as client in one network while another
instance providing openvpn as service on the same machine

[root@srv-rhsoft:~]$ chkconfig httpd off
Hinweis: Anfrage wird weitergeleitet an »systemctl disable httpd.service«.
rm '/etc/systemd/system/'

[root@srv-rhsoft:~]$ chkconfig httpd on
Hinweis: Anfrage wird weitergeleitet an »systemctl enable httpd.service«.
ln -s '/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service' 

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