Am 24.03.2012 11:58, schrieb Ian Malone:
> Exhibit B:
>> seems you do not realize that Linux is these days
>> the OS supporting most hardware of all out of the
>> box and you must do something terrible wrong buy
>> unsupported hardware
> Like buy graphics cards from one of the major manufacturers? You're
> just trolling now.

so why do we all not install windows
it is one of the major OS manufacturers

you see your argumentation is silly?

> In any case nVidia do provide a linux driver

do they for older cards?
you have to use the legacy driver

> when a kernel or X update introduces an incompatibility I just stick 
> with the old version till they update it

maybe you will wait forever until the legacy driver for older
nvidia cards is updated for the newest kernel

the OP could also simply install the nouveau driver but seems
to be masochist dealing around since months with the nvidia
BLOB driver

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