Am 07.04.2012 23:41, schrieb Sam Sharpe:
> Fascinating as these headers are, lets look back at the headers of the
> message Fernando replied to and you called him out for bad etiquette:
> To: Fedora List <>
> Reply-To:,
>       Community support for Fedora users <>
> Do you acknowledge that those headers, when replying might cause you
> to send your reply to three addresses? 


this would only mean reply to "" and not
additionally to two other addressess

but as MULTIPLE explained:

is is in the responsible of the HUMAN who press "send"
to verify that the RCPT is what he want and not act

what you also stil do not realize is that my topic change
was not because ONE single message, it was caused by get
way too much useless copies all over the time

> This is you I presume:


> This is me:

and now?

> Given that one of us is a senior engineer for a rather large managed
> hosting company and probably spends 50% of his time dealing with mail
> issues for thousands of customers and the other one is you, precisely
> what is your grounds for calling me ignorant of mail issues? Actually
> don't answer that, I probably don't care what you think as it will
> probably be a long message about how I am wrong.

who do you think you are?

i try to prevent get personal now but let's said one thing

my expierience in the last years is that as larger the
copmany and as more titles a person has the real knowledge
is directly the opposite

so no, you can not impress me with any reference and the fact that
you stil do not understand why "reply all" is idiotic (to say it clear)
shows that you are one more of the "big but failing"

is it really so hard to understand that my intention was to
educate people that "reply all" in context of mailing-lists
is ALWAYS wrong and taht the fact that i get TWO messages
twice from Fernando which was no direct reply to me
was the reason to say "now it is enough"?

if you still think "reply all" is the correct method
to reply ona mailing-list please do not reply any more
and leave me fuck in peace because you are a perfect
example for "learning resistent" and i have really
better things to do as explain such people again and
again basics

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