Am 23.04.2012 00:09, schrieb Jonathan Ryshpan:
> I need to get the IP numbers of local hosts, i.e. hosts inside my gateway's 
> firewall.  The domain name server in
> the gateway provides the IP addresses of hosts and sites on the internet, but 
> does not provide the IP addresses for
> hosts on my local net.  The gateway is aware of their names and addresses; 
> one of its admin screens shows them,
> exactly as they identify themselves.  A chat session with customer support 
> (an extract follows) indicates that this
> function is definitely not available.  The problem is not disastrous, since 
> the addresses, once assigned, are
> pretty much static, and so can be put into /etc/hosts.  However this looks a 
> little like a hack. 

have you ever heard about DNS? :-)

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