It's not a bad idea naming a fedora release after Dennis Ritchie as a
tribute. I think is a great idea.
El 02/05/2012 19:12, "Antonio Olivares" <> escribió:

> --- On Wed, 5/2/12, Chris Adams <> wrote:
> > From: Chris Adams <>
> > Subject: Re: Fedora 18 release name
> > To: "Community support for Fedora users" <>
> > Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2012, 3:13 PM
> > Once upon a time, Alan Cox <>
> > said:
> > > You can have fun with physicists 8)
> >
> > As a mathematician, I look at "spherical" and want to ask if
> > Fedora
> > accepts the Axiom of Choice - if so, we can have two
> > identical spherical
> > cows, but who really wants to decompose a cow to get
> > there.  Of course,
> > we'd have to call F19 Banach-Tarski!
> >
> > --
> Sorry to disagree!, but if we allow Mathematicians' names here, I have
> some others that are far greater than Banach and Tarski, take
> F19 Euclid -  Greatest Geometer of all time
> F19 Archimedes
> take Paul Erdös, Euler, Riemann, Gauss, All would be great here :)
> Sadly, though Spherical you would be correct sir, I also thought about
> Lobachevsky, but he apparently did work on HyperBolic Geometries :)
> But to get back at the naming, How about the tribute to Denis Ritchie, was
> the next version of Fedora going to be named in his honor, since he was one
> of the pioneers of C/C++ and the Unix operating system which is the
> prototype of the system that we are using?
> Just like the American Political System, we have no voice and no vote :(,
> the "Ruling Elite" are the ones that chose names and vote, us the users are
> the ones that have to end up with whatever others choose if we are not part
> of the "Ruling Elite" :(  Is there an electoral college in the Fedora
> voting?  Because if there is, the majority does not get to choose the name
> :(
> Best Regards,
> Antonio
> --
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