> >> It's a 2-wire brand router, rebranded as AT&T
> >> And yes, it does have the status page to see
> >> every connected client, it's IP address, ...etc
> >> However, it has no info about each client's
> >> bit rate.
> > It sort of does on the System Summary page at You can
> > also ask for connection details.
> Well, I click on a connected device's details and
> I get info like:
> Device Details
> Name              MacBookPro
> Connection        Type  Wireless (802.11)
> IP Address
> IP Address        Allocation  DHCP
> IP Address Type   Private (NAT)
> Hardware Address  00:01:02:03:04:05
> Status            On
> I see no info about bit rates at all.
> The system  Info page has no info about any wireless client.
> The Home page lists all connected devices, and provides the
> link "Device Details" which when clicked shows the info above.
What I said was not completely correct. What the system summary does is
gives you internet speeds (in, and out) capabilities of the connection.
This is not a statement about the actual internet bit speeds of
connections of each machine on the LAN.
Ship it.
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akons...@sbcglobal.net

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