On 01/06/12 10:43, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 06/01/2012 10:31 PM, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
    Is there no VLC for fedora-17?

    Yum install vlc  results in "No package vlc available."

    I've messed wit this for a while to no avail, nothing found in
    Google has provided a solution. Don't know what I might have done

Sure there is....  It is where it has been for a long as I can remember....in
rpmfusion repositories.

vlc-2.0.1-1.fc17 is the current release.

   Ok, well maybe what I need is to get rpmfusion-free installed which
   I don't see in my list of yum repos? I haven't been able to get that

   I am getting a long list of missing dependencies that yum can
   resolve ...




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