Am 11.06.2012 19:39, schrieb Mike Wright:
> Hi all,
> I bought a Memorex external CD/DVD + SDHC but the CD/DVD part works once and 
> becomes unresponsive.  I've tried
> opening and reinserting the media but nothing seems to happen, but iIt 
> appears that each time I did that it spawned
> another process.  Even the "eject" command hangs.
> On inspection I found some processes using "ps -ax" that are marked with the 
> status "D".  The man page says that
> indicates an uninterruptable sleep.
> Is there any way to kill these short of a reboot?  (Feels soooo M$)

simply: no

look in the arcive, there was recently a long
discussion about this on the list

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