On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 11:53 -0500, Kevin Martin wrote: 
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> FWIW, I too see the strangeness with the back button in FireFox.  Have 
> >>>> to hit it twice to go back to the previous page.  I've seen
> >>>> this in some previous versions as well.  I'm on rawhide running FF13.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> The mouse rear thumb button does not work for you to go back?
> >>>
> >>
> >> There is no mouse rear thumb button on my mouse and even if there were the 
> >> back button in FF should work.
> >>
> >> Kevin
> > 
> > Has anyone tried going to about:config and checking the
> > browser.backspace_action setting? For the backspace key to work as a
> > back button, this must be set to 0.
The thing is the backspace on FF in my F17 works as it should and the
browser.backspace_action is set to 2. One more theory shot down in
If the user points the gun at his foot and pulls the trigger, it is our
job to ensure the bullet gets where it's supposed to.
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akons...@sbcglobal.net

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