Geoffrey Leach <> wrote:

>On 06/19/2012 09:44:39 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 06/20/2012 11:43 AM, Geoffrey Leach wrote:
>> > Hmmm ... would that that was the problem. AFAIK Anaconda takes 
>> input
>> > only in MB. (By whatever definition, the darn thing still crashes.)
>> FWIW, I just installed a test system in a VM.  I have a 137GB virtual
>> disk.
>> I modified the partitions by deleting the configuration and creating
>> my own.  I
>> created a /boot using 105000 which would be 105GB give or take.  I
>> defined the
>> remaining as an LVM Physical partition and then put swap in an LVM
>> Logical Volume
>> with a size of 1GB and the rest gave to /.
>> No crash....
>> [egreshko@f17t ~]$ uname -r
>> 3.3.4-5.fc17.i686
>> [egreshko@f17t ~]$ df -h
>> Filesystem                Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>> rootfs                     29G  3.7G   24G  14% /
>> devtmpfs                  494M     0  494M   0% /dev
>> tmpfs                     502M   96K  502M   1% /dev/shm
>> tmpfs                     502M  1.3M  501M   1% /run
>> /dev/mapper/vg_f17t-lv01   29G  3.7G   24G  14% /
>> tmpfs                     502M     0  502M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
>> tmpfs                     502M     0  502M   0% /media
>> /dev/sda1                 103G  1.7G   96G   2% /boot
>> Is that what you're trying to do?
>No. What I'm dealing with is a naked, never-before-seeing-fedora disk. 
>(there are a couple of ntfs partitions put there by the manufacturer. 
>I'm allocating the remaining space.) I've done this with earlier 
>Fedoras without any problems. 

Well what you seemed to be saying is that you were unable to create a 100GB 
boot partition. 
Maybe you need to be more precise about the current disk content / 
It seems it already must have a label and partition layout. 

If you try installing F16 do you get the same crash. 

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