Am 30.06.2012 00:31, schrieb Bill Davidsen:
> Robert Arkiletian wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 12:22 PM, David A. De Graaf <> wrote:
>>> Does anyone know how to allow root and users other than me to use the
>>> sound system?
>>> Ever since pulseaudio was introduced in Fedora 8 and Mr. Lennart
>>> Poettering inflicted his peculiar ideas of security on us, the default
>>> installation hasn't worked properly, despite many BZ's and copious
>>> complaints!  Specifically, pulseaudio invents the "seat" and only the
>>> one person in the "seat" can use the sound system.  This precludes
>>> having root, or anyone else, from generating sounds - presumably it's a
>>> security risk.  Bosh!
>> Yup. Ran into this problem trying to make an alarm clock with atd or
>> crond. Can't have sound unless you are logged in. I had to totally
>> remove PA and just use alsa. But I know that's not possible any more.
>> Now we have systemd too. Joy.
> Security. If it can't be used it can't be misused

in the context of sound this is nonsense

if i play music there is no dmaned reason that it
stops playing after switch with CTRL+ALT+F2

it is a poor development not having a simple option
for systemdwide sound these days

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