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On 07/06/2012 08:54 PM, Tim wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-07-06 at 20:33 +0000, Beartooth wrote:
>> But even the control key function *and* a pair of eyes on each of
>> two panels, together, are still more distracting and less convenient
>> than a good big mouse cursor, especially a colored one.
> Yes, at times I've lost my mouse, and found it very hard to find
> Made all the more worse for Fedora's propensity for sending the mouse
> running off wildly in some random direction if anything lightly
> the mouse. Yes, it's done this since Red Hat Linux days, on several
> completely different computers and mice (USB mice seem the less likely
> to do it), and I'm not the only one to have brought this up.
> Like you, I've found a larger pointer and coloured one helpful,
not that
> I've found a way to do that on Linux. And the "show the mouse location
> with an animation when I hit the control key," hasn't always been too
> helpful, as the animation is tiny. At times I'd prefer another method
> of mouse pointer location - selectable full screen cross hairs
that went
> completely from edge to edge. Quite apart from making it easy to
find a
> lost mouse pointer, it'd help an awful lot when it comes to placing
> things in the right place on the page for desk top publishing and
> graphics work, when you want to align one thing against something else
> that it's nowhere near (objects on the page, or rulers along the
edge of
> the window).
Under Gnome, if you open Advanced Settings --> Theme --> Cursor
theme you can select different cursor themes including different
colors and sizes. The only hard part is that you do not get a preview.

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