Tim wrote:
> With the comments of I have no problems with them, versus I've nothing
> but problems with them, I wonder whether this is due to different people
> getting boards made for them in different countries.  Or, a distribution
> channel that damages boards in transit.

Or different generations of motherboards having particular problems: I
saw several Asus motherboards (I think they were from the A8N family),
bought at different times from different suppliers, where the chipset
fan died after a year or two.

If you bought a motherboard where the chipset didn’t need a fan, you
wouldn’t see that problem…


E-mail:     james@ | And that bird was singin' up a storm. Chirp, pause,
aprilcottage.co.uk | chirp. Almost a pulse, really. Astonishing how...
                   | mechanical...that...sounded. And then I put my head in
                   | my hands and sighed, because I had been trying to ID the
                   | mating call of my Epson printer.        -- Ursula Vernon
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