Mark Haney writes:

I'm sure this has been answered before, but I'm having trouble finding it. Mainly due to the fact I'm not entirely sure what to search for. Anyway, I've got a F17 system, which, for various reasons, does not have internet access. It does sit on a small wireless LAN, however.

What I need is a HOWTO or pointers on how I can keep this system updated. I've never encountered this situation before so I don't know what's the best way to handle this with the current software.

Pick your favorite mirror, and rsync its updates directly, to a flash drive, or something similar. Set enabled=0 in everything in /etc/yum.conf.d, then just copy one of the configs and point it to the mount point of the flash drive.

Each time after you rsync the updates directory, mount the flash drive, and just run 'yum update'.

If another machine on your wireless lan has internet connectivity, you can just rsync updates somewhere in /var/www/html on that machine, then point your config to this url, as the update source.

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